Opening of another RB business season at the Tallink Group

In early October, members of the Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia held their season’s first meeting and joint discussion at the HQ of AS Tallink Grupp, the largest passenger ferry operator in the Baltic Sea. The participants were welcomed by Harri Hanschmidt, AS Tallink Grupp Management Board Member who reflected that the Baltic Sea’s leading [...]


RBBN Annual General Meeting learned about upcoming public procurements

On June 26th, 2019 Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia held its Annual General Meeting (AGM), where the members of the network looked back at the work done within the last year and discussed plans for future. “Our business network has been an active participant in the Rail Baltica related discussions. We are pleased to note [...]


RB initial time-table: four high-speed trains daily from Tallinn to Vilnius and Warsaw

According to a recent study based on the anticipated passenger demand, Rail Baltica will offer a fast train connection between the capitals of the Baltic States every two hours – in 2026 every day four high-speed trains will run from Tallinn to both Vilnius and Warsaw. During the first 10 years of operation, it is [...]


Director General Hololei meeting Rail Baltica Business Network in Tallinn

Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia organized a business lunch on 21. December 2019 for its members and guests, including Director-General for Mobility and Transport (DG-Move) of the European Commission Henrik Hololei. Around 20 entrepreneurs and stakeholders gathered at the table to summarize the most important developments of the past year in the Rail Baltica project [...]


Minister Simson: 2019 will be a significant year for Rail Baltica

Rail Baltica Business Network Estonia (RBBN) and the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications organized a seminar at the Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol on October 11th, 2018. The main focus of the seminar was to discuss how Rail Baltica accelerates innovation and the economic development of the entire region and how will citizens and [...]


Seminar “Rail Baltica as Innovation Platform”

On the 11th of October a seminar “Rail Baltica as Innovation Platform” will be held in Tallinn Technology Park Tehnopol. The main objective of the event is to give an update on the Rail Baltica Global Project, the latest trends in the railway and transportation sector followed by round-table discussions – what should be done in [...]


RBBN in Kaunas – RB to become a powerful economic catalyst in the Baltics

On the 12th of September 2018 around 20 entrepreneurs and stakeholders interested in the economic potential of Rail Baltica met in Kaunas, Lithuania at the Technical University Economy and Business Faculty to discuss how RB could benefit citizens and businesses across the Baltic States, Poland and Finland. The highlight of the event was MEP Catherine [...]


Rail Baltica Business Network on the air at Äripäev Radio

Tõnis Tamme and Meelis Niinepuu, two board members of Rail Baltica Business Network, and Vadim Shabarov, who has been the director of operations in container train operator Baltic Rail AS for the eight last years, discussed about the business potential of Rail Baltic and about the North-South Transport Corridor in an interview to Äripäeva radioshow [...]


Catherine Trautmann visiting Rail Baltica Business Network in Riga

Last week Rail Baltica Business Network (RBBN) in Riga organized an open discussion with the main topic “Rail Baltica – the key to the Baltic economic development” featuring the keynote speaker European Coordinator for the North Sea–Baltic core network corridor Ms. Catherine Trautmann. The event gathered more than 20 representatives of large infrastructure, logistics and [...]


Rail Baltica as a platform for innovation discussed in Riga

Rail Baltica Business Network in Latvia opened its year with a discussion event on the topic “Rail Baltica - the platform for next generation technological development” on February 02, 2018 at a co-working space Techhub Riga. The event gathered more than 30 representatives of large infrastructure, logistics and transport companies as well as the Latvian [...]

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